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Advocacy Program Survey

Parents and caregivers, we want to hear from you! Help us shape the future of our Advocacy Program by sharing your thoughts.

Take our poll and let your voice guide our efforts to better support your journey. Together, we can build a stronger, more informed community!

What topics would empower you most in supporting your loved ones? (Please check all that apply.)
Which days of the week are most convenient for you to attend? (Please check all that apply.)
What time of day works best for you to attend advocacy program events? (Please check all that apply.)
Would you prefer the advocacy program to be structured as:
A multi-session series (e.g., weekly for 6 weeks)
Stand-alone guest speaker events
If the program were a series, how often would you like sessions to occur?
How long do you think each session should be?
60 minutes
90 minutes
2 hours

If you would like to enter the raffle to win a $50 gift card for Masgutova Foundation webinars, please fill in our information below:

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