12.5 @ 3 PM Eastern -> Love a Tubie - Supporting Children and Families with NG and G Tubes
Sun, Dec 05
|Live Online Event
This session is for caregivers and their babies and toddlers on NG/G tubes. Feeding Specialist, MNRI Instructor, and Speech-Language Pathologist Yichien Su will lead caregivers through performing NeuroReflex exercises on their babies or toddlers under 24 months.

Time & Location
Dec 05, 2021, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST
Live Online Event
About the Event
Many infants and young children (under 24 months) with feeding tubes struggle with oral feeding as well as other developmental delays. Â This short caregiver-led, hands-on session begins with a brief discussion of possible challenges associated with alternative feeding methods and oral feeding progression before moving into 5 simple NeuroReflex exercises to work on with your child on in real-time. Â The session closes with a 5-10 minutes Q & A to allow clarification on exercise techniques. After the session, parents are encouraged to do these exercises with their infants and young children on a regular basis to support the regulation of sensory-motor pathways particularly involved in oral functions.
Our session facilitator, Yichien Su, is a feeding specialist, speech-language pathologist, and MNRI instructor with years of feeding experience. Â We extend our deep gratitude to Yichien for donating her knowledge and expertise to support our global community.
For this 1-hour live caregiver-led Zoom session on Sunday, December 5 at 3 PM Eastern, you'll need a safe surface on which to sit or lay your child. Â This session is presented in English.
The purpose of this session is real-time support for parents actively completing expert-led NeuroReflex exercises on their child. While video participation is optional, recording (both audio and video) and taking notes are strictly prohibited.
All donations are appreciated and benefit the further growth of NeuroReflex work through the Masgutova Graduate School of NeuroDevelopmental Sciences. Â There is also an option, for those financially unable to donate, to attend free of charge. Â The suggested retail value is $15.00.
For additional information on this and other sessions, please visit our website.
We hope to see you there!
Please note this session is not intended for medical advice, clinical assessment or consultations, diagnosis, or treatment.
$5.00 Donation
$5.00+$0.13 service feeSale ended$10.00 Donation
$10.00+$0.25 service feeSale ended$15.00 Donation
$15.00+$0.38 service feeSale ended$20.00 Donation
$20.00+$0.50 service feeSale ended$25.00 Donation
$25.00+$0.63 service feeSale ended$50.00 Donation
$50.00+$1.25 service feeSale ended$75.00 Donation
$75.00+$1.88 service feeSale ended$100.00 Donation
$100.00+$2.50 service feeSale endedSupport My Participation
$0.00Sale ended