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You can consistently give back to the Masgutova Foundation when you purchase items on Amazon.  Set your AmazonSmile account up once, and you'll be donating 0.5% of your purchase total every time you shop.

  1. Sign into your Amazon account at

  2. Visit using your navigation bar at the top of your browser.

  3. Bookmark this page so it's your automatic link to AmazonSmile.

  4. Using the Account & List dropdown, navigate to Your Account.

  5. Under "Your Lists," click on AmazonSmile Charity Lists.  If you are already an AmazonSmile user and want to change your charity to the Masgutova Foundation, skip to Step 7.

  6. Search for the Masgutova Foundation and select it as your charitable organization.

  7. Change your charity by clicking the dropdown box by the charity name under the address bar.  Then, search for the Masgutova Foundation as described in Step 6.

  8. Begin shopping!  You can log into your AmazonSmile account directly from the next time you shop.  Confirm you selected the Masgutova Foundation to receive donations based on your purchases.

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